Remove Background from an Image

Remove backgrounds instantly from any image for free

How to remove background from images:

Upload Image

Upload Your Image

Select the photo you want to transform by uploading any PNG, JPG, or WEBM image. Our tool supports all image dimensions.
Image background removed

AI Background Removal

Watch our technology instantly remove the background, giving you the freedom to choose white, transparent, or any custom image.
Download image

Download or Create a Video

Download your professionally edited image in seconds or replace the background using our Image Background Replacer.

The Fastest Background Remover

Remove backgrounds in images instantly. Create transparent backgrounds that allow you to replace backdrops and transform your photos like a pro.
Original Picture
Image without background
Original Picture
Image without background

Replace Background with any Color or Image (Coming Soon)

After removing the background, replace it with any color or image. Choose from our high-quality templates and create studio-quality photos with ease.

Speed Up Your Workflow

Unlock batch background removal and remove backgrounds from up to 50 images instantly. Work with any image type or resolution through our API or web app.
Original Picture
Image without background

Frequently asked questions

What is an image background remover?

An image background remover is a tool that detects and removes the background of an image, resulting in a transparent background.

How do I remove the background from an image?

Simply upload the image and let our AI do the work for you. Our product automatically detects and removes the background from your photo for you to download or edit after.

Is the image background remover free?

Yes, Magic Hour's image background remover is free. However, advanced features and higher resolution outputs are available for premium users.

How can I change the background color?

After uploading an image and removing the background, you can select from our preset background colors or a custom color to replace as the background.

How do I change the background of an image?

After you remove the background, you can upload an image to replace as the background, or choose from one of our preset backgrounds.

Can I use batch remove backgrounds from images?

Yes, you can remove backgrounds from up to 50 images simultaneously by using our full product or API. To get access, simply sign up with a free account.
More than an Image Background Remover
Magic Hour is much more than an image background remover. We offer multiple AI creation tools that let you create and edit images and videos from scratch with no professional experience. Plus, you can make use of our wide library of templates for any use case. Try Magic Hour and experience the power of AI today.
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